Desserts Archives - Tu Sabor y Mas Recetas Mon, 28 Oct 2024 16:13:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Desserts Archives - Tu Sabor y Mas 32 32 Galletas araña. Postre fácil y delicioso para Halloween Mon, 28 Oct 2024 16:13:33 +0000 Ingredientes Es innegable que hace ya años que Halloween llegó a España para quedarse y nosotros hemos caído en las redes de la fiesta más terrorífica del año. De entre la amplia variedad de elaboraciones que se pueden preparar para la ocasión, nos gustan especialmente estas galletas araña. Muestra ese lado amable y cuqui de Halloween, que preferimos por […]

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  • 125 g. de mantequilla muy fría
  • 250 g. de harina de repostería
  • Una pizca de sal (5 gramos)
  • 70 g. de azúcar blanquilla
  • 10 g. de azúcar vainillado
  • 1 huevo M
  • 20 bombones esféricos de chocolate
  • 50 g. de chocolate blanco para postres
  • 75 g. de chocolate negro para postres

Es innegable que hace ya años que Halloween llegó a España para quedarse y nosotros hemos caído en las redes de la fiesta más terrorífica del año. De entre la amplia variedad de elaboraciones que se pueden preparar para la ocasión, nos gustan especialmente estas galletas araña. Muestra ese lado amable y cuqui de Halloween, que preferimos por encima de ningún otro postre.

Preparar estas galletas es un juego de niños, quienes, ya que los mencionamos, seguro que agradecen verse involucrados en el proceso. Son tan fáciles para preparar con ellos, como las trufas momia o las ya famosas salchichas momia.

La masa de galletas no tiene ciencia alguna y, con un adulto que supervise las tareas y se encargue del horno, los más pequeños de la casa se pueden encargar de mezclar todos los ingredientes, hacer porciones de masa y darle forma. Una manera de pasar una tarde divertida en familia.

Son unas galletas tan lucidas que se pueden preparar para regalar y, si las sacáis en la sobremesa para acompañar el café, sorprenderán a vuestros invitados. Con toda seguridad os lloverán los piropos, y no será solo por su aspecto sino también por lo deliciosas que están. La combinación galleta-chocolate es garantía de éxito y queda de rechupete.

Cómo hacer galletas araña

Preparación de la base de las galletas

  1. Cortamos la mantequilla en dados y la mezclamos con la harina, la sal, el huevo y los dos tipos de azúcar. Si tenemos un robot de cocina la masa estará lista en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, solo tendremos que mezclar hasta homogeneizar y listo.
  2. En caso contrario mezclamos los ingredientes líquidos en un recipiente hondo y amplio, batiendo bien antes de incorporar los secos.
  3. Removemos y amasamos hasta obtener una masa homogénea. Se tarda un poco más, pero el proceso es el mismo.
  4. Trabajamos la masa sobre una superficie de trabajo limpia hasta dejarla lisa. Es una masa suave y fácil de manipular, nada pegajosa. La envolvemos en papel film transparente y dejamos que tome cuerpo y enfríe un poco en la nevera. Media hora será suficiente.

Forma y horneado de las galletas

  1. Precalentamos el horno a 180º C, con calor arriba y abajo, y forramos un par de bandejas con papel vegetal.
  2. Retiramos la masa de la nevera y dividimos en 20 porciones del tamaño más aproximado posible. Podemos usar una báscula para calcular el peso exacto y que queden idénticas. Boleamos cada una de las porciones de masa y colocamos en las bandejas de horno, dejando algo de separación entre ellas porque se esparcen ligeramente con el calor del horno.
  3. Aplastamos con la palma de la mano y, con el extremo de un mazo de mortero, un sacabolas o similar. Hacemos pequeños agujeros en el centro. No tenemos que llegar a la base, solo hay que dar forma y crear el hueco en el que luego pondremos los bombones.
  4. Introducimos las bandejas en el horno y cocemos 10 minutos. Retiramos y repasamos el hueco apretando con suavidad pues la masa estará caliente..
  5. Devolvemos las bandejas al horno y cocemos 10 minutos más o hasta que las galletas se vean doradas, pero no en exceso. Retiramos del horno y esperamos cinco minutos antes de transferir las galletas a una rejilla y enfriar por completo.

Decoración de las galletas araña

  1. Fundimos el chocolate negro y lo introducimos en una manga pastelera. Hacemos lo mismo con el chocolate blanco. Dejamos caer un pegote de chocolate negro fundido en el centro de cada galleta y colocamos encima los bombones. Actuará de pegamento y, en cuanto enfríen los bombones quedarán adheridos a la galleta.
  2. Para hacer los ojos, con el chocolate blanco dibujamos dos círculos en cada bombón y con el chocolate negro dibujamos las pupilas. Terminamos las galletas dibujando las patitas, cuatro por cada lado, con el chocolate negro. Dejamos enfriar y endurecer el chocolate antes de servir.

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Flan Sun, 08 Oct 2023 23:57:15 +0000 For the flan: For the caramel: Instrucciones Esconder

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For the flan:
  • 5huevos
  • 1lata (12oz) de leche evaporada
  • 1lata (14oz) de leche condensada
  • 1cucharada de vainilla
  • 1/2taza de azúcar

For the caramel:

  • 1taza de azúcar
  • 2cucharadas de agua



  • Pre calienta el horno a 350°F y ten a mano el molde que usarás para el baño de maría.
  • Coloca el azúcar para el caramelo en un sartén a fuego medio con las 2 cucharadas de agua hasta que se derrita en forma homogénea.
  • Cocina hasta que el caramelo adquiera un color dorado.
  • Viértelo en el molde que usarás. Esparce el caramelo por el molde cuidadosamente hasta que cubra las paredes del mismo. Déjalo enfriar.
  • Agrega los huevos y licua solo por unos segundos. Luego agrega la leche evaporada y mezcla. Incorpora la leche condensada y mezcla. Agrega la vainilla, el azúcar y continua mezclando hasta que obtengas una mezcla homogénea.
  • Cuela y vierte la mezcla en el molde que ya tienes previamente acaramelado.
  • Lleva al horno a baño de María por 45 minutos.
  • Verifica que esté listo utilizando un palito para pinchos o un cuchillo fino. Si salen limpios significa que ya está listo.
  • Sácalo del horno con mucho cuidado de no quemarte y ponlo sobre una parrilla de alambre. Deja enfriar a temperatura ambiente hasta que esté completamente frio.
  • Desmolda y lleva a la nevera hasta el momento de servirlo.

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Galletas de romero y limón Tue, 05 Sep 2023 16:24:46 +0000 El romero y limón aportan un toque de frescura y delicadeza a estas galletas de mantequilla estilo shortbread. Sólo necesitas 5 ingredientes.. Tiempo de preparación: 20 minutos + 4 horas refrigeraciónTiempo de cocción: 12 minutosCantidad: 2 docenas Ingredientes Preparación: Notas:

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El romero y limón aportan un toque de frescura y delicadeza a estas galletas de mantequilla estilo shortbread. Sólo necesitas 5 ingredientes..

Tiempo de preparación: 20 minutos + 4 horas refrigeración
Tiempo de cocción: 12 minutos
Cantidad: 2 docenas


  • 1 1/2 barras (170 gramos) de mantequilla sin sal, a temperatura ambiente
  • 3/4 tazas (148 gramos) de azúcar blanca
  • 2 cucharaditas de romero fresco picado
  • limón amarillo (ralladura)
  • 2 tazas (240 gramos) de harina de trigo para todo uso
  • Una pizca de sal


  1. Hacer la masa: en un tazón acremar la mantequilla y azúcar con ayuda de una batidora eléctrica, hasta que esté suave y esponjosa. Agregar el romero picado finito y la ralladura del limón.
  2. Agregar la harina: mezclar la harina y pizca de sal, añadir de a cucharadas a la crema de mantequilla a medida que seguimos batiendo, hasta lograr una masa consistente.
  3. Dividir la masa: en dos partes, hacer un cilindro envuelto en papel para hornear. Refrigerar la masa por al menos 4 horas.
  4. Calentar el horno: a 350°F / 180°C, preparar una bandeja engrasada o forrada con papel para hornear. Cortar la masa en círculos no muy delgados, colocar en la bandeja dejando un poco de separación ya que se expanden un poco al hornear.
  5. Hornear por unos 12 minuos o hasta que los borden comiencen a dorarse. Deja enfriar las galletas en la bandeja por unos segundos; tranferir a una rejilla con ayuda de una espátula con cuidado ya que estarán suave. Dejar enfriar completamente, se tornarán firmes y crujientes. Servir y disfrutar!


  • Es mejor cortar el romero con un tijera; se agrupan las hojitas y se cortan de varias a la vez.
  • Si utilizas mantequilla con sal, omitir la que se indica en la receta.
  • Conservar las galletas en un envase con tapa, preferiblemente una lata, en un lugar fresco y seco.

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Pudín de chocolate Tue, 05 Sep 2023 16:09:16 +0000 Este pudín se hace con una base de leche, cacao y maicena, agregar chocolate troceado le da intensidad de sabor y color, sírve con crema batida y disfruta. Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos, mas tiempo de refrigeración de la mezcla. Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos. Cantidad: 4-6 porciones Ingredientes Preparación: Notas:

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Este pudín se hace con una base de leche, cacao y maicena, agregar chocolate troceado le da intensidad de sabor y color, sírve con crema batida y disfruta.

Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos, mas tiempo de refrigeración de la mezcla. Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos. Cantidad: 4-6 porciones


  • 2 tazas de leche líquida, completa o descremada
  • Pizca de sal
  • 1/4 taza (50 gramos) de azúcar
  • 1/4 taza de cacao en polvo
  • 3-1/2 cucharadas de maicena
  • 40 gramos de chocolate oscuro *ver notas*
  • 1 cucharada (15 gramos) de mantequilla sin sal
  • 1 cucharadita de vainilla


  1. Calentar la leche: en una olla, combinar 1 -1/2 tazas de leche, sal, azúcar y cacao en polvo, mezclar bien para disolver los ingredientes a medida que se cocina a fuego medio-alto.
  2. Agregar la maicena, en una pequeño tazón diluir la maicena con la 1/2 taza de leche restante. Cuando la mezcla de leche y cacao esté caliente, pero sin hervir, agregar la maicena a la vez que se mezcla con un batidor para evitar que se hagan grumos, cocinar unos minutos hasta que espese y la mezcla empiece a hervir.
  3. Agregar el resto de ingredientes: bajar la mezcla del fuego y agregar el chocolate troceado, mantequilla y vainilla, mezclar vigorosamente para hasta que el chocolate esté completamente derretido y la mantequilla incorporados.
  4. Colar la preparación: transferir la mezcla a un bowl para que se enfríe, es conveniente colarla para evitar algún grumo, colocar un plástico a piel (que toque la superficie del pudín) para que no se forme una costra, dejar reposar un rato a temperatura ambiente y luego enfriar completamente en la nevera unas 4 a 8 horas.
  5. Servir en vasitos (salen unas 4 a 6 porciones dependiendo de cuánto llenes cada porción), puedes agregar crema batida en el tope y decorar con virutas de chocolate, frutas, galletas o crocante. Disfrutar!


  • Puedes hacer este pudín sólo con cacao, pero si agregas el chocolate troceado quedará más fudge y cremoso.
  • Puedes colocar la mezcla directamente en vasitos para enfriarlos en la nevera.
  • El pudín se mantiene bien unos 4 días la nevera.
  • Hice un crocante de avellanas para acompañar, puedes ver

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Tembleque de coco puertorriqueño Tue, 05 Sep 2023 16:04:04 +0000 Un dulce puertorriqueño muy consumido en la época navideña, hecho a base de leche de coco y maicena, es muy fácil de preparar y el resultado es un postre fresco y cremoso. Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos. Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos. Cantidad: 6 porciones aprox. Ingredientes Preparación: Notas: By Angélica.

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Un dulce puertorriqueño muy consumido en la época navideña, hecho a base de leche de coco y maicena, es muy fácil de preparar y el resultado es un postre fresco y cremoso.

Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos. Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos. Cantidad: 6 porciones aprox.


  • 2 latas (de 400 ml cada una) de leche de coco
  • 1/2 taza (100 gramos) de azúcar
  • Pizca de sal
  • 1 astilla de canela
  • Piel de limón verde (lima)
  • Pizca de clavo molido
  • 1/2 taza (55 gramos) de maicena
  • 1/2 taza (40 gramos) de coco rallado (opcional)
  • Canela molida y más coco rallado para servir


  • Calentar la leche de coco en una olla mediana a fuego medio, reservar una media taza de la leche para diluir la maicena, agregar la canela, clavo molido, piel de limón y un puntito de sal. Si le quieres agregar el coco rallado, hacerlo en este momento.
  • Agregar la maicena diluída en la leche reservada una vez que la leche ha calentado, mezclar constantemente con un batidor o paleta hasta que la mezcla espese (unos 5 minutos), bajar del fuego. Retirar la astilla de canela y la piel de limón (puedes colar la preparación para asegurar que no han quedado grumos).
  • Verter la mezcla en pequeños moldes indiviuales o completa en un molde más grande que luego cortaremos en porciones para servir, tapar on papel film, dejar que enfríen a temperatura ambiente y luego llevar a la nevera por un par de horas o mejor de un día para otro.
  • Para servir: desmoldar el tembleque, decorar con canela molida y más coco rallado. Disfrutar!.


  • Para servir con el mango, simplemente cortar la fruta, en una sartén colocar un par de cucharas de azúcar morena y apenas un poquito de agua para que vaya haciendo un almíbar, agregar la fruta y un poquito de ron, la idea es que el mango tome color, cocinar un par de minutos.
  • Puedes hacer el tembleque con azúcar blanca o morena.

By Angélica.

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Perfect Pumpkin Pie Fri, 11 Nov 2022 15:01:07 +0000 The one and only pumpkin pie! EAGLE BRAND makes this traditional dessert the perfect ending to a Thanksgiving feast. Garnish as desired. Refrigerate leftovers. We have over 130 recipes for homemade pumpkin pie here at Allrecipes, but this recipe takes the cake (or pie) with over 2,600 five-star ratings. And it’s proof that a good […]

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The one and only pumpkin pie! EAGLE BRAND makes this traditional dessert the perfect ending to a Thanksgiving feast. Garnish as desired. Refrigerate leftovers.

We have over 130 recipes for homemade pumpkin pie here at Allrecipes, but this recipe takes the cake (or pie) with over 2,600 five-star ratings. And it’s proof that a good recipe doesn’t necessarily need to be a complicated one — you get a great result with canned pumpkin puree and store-bought pie crust. Of course, you can customize it to suit your preferences by using fresh pumpkin or a homemade pie crust for that from-scratch taste. Plus, it can be made ahead of time and refrigerated (or frozen) until you’re ready to serve! Your search for the perfect pumpkin pie ends here.

How to Make Pumpkin Pie

Here’s what we love about this recipe: This pie is incredibly approachable, even for novice bakers. Of course, you can add to the steps below by making your own pie crust, blind baking your crust, etc., but the whole process can really be boiled down to three simple steps.

Step 1: Mix

Well, technically you’ll first need to preheat the oven. Then you can start by mixing all the ingredients for your filling: pumpkin puree, sweetened condensed milk, eggs, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and salt. Whisk it all together until smooth.

Step 2: Bake

Pour the mixture into your pie crust (store-bought or homemade is fine). Bake in the preheated oven.

Step 3: Reduce Heat and Bake Some More

Now you’ll reduce the heat and continue to bake. This helps the pie to cook evenly without cracking. Once a knife inserted 1 inch from the crust comes out clean, then it’s ready. The center should be just a little jiggly. Let cool and serve, refrigerate, or freeze. Really, that’s it!

Do You Need to Blind Bake the Pie Crust?

Blind baking refers to baking pie crust, either partially or completely, without filling it. Why would you do this? Pie with a custard-based filling, such as pumpkin, generally requires little oven time, which means you may want to give your crust a bit of a head start to ensure you don’t end up with a raw, soggy bottom.

Several reviewers suggest blind baking the pie crust in the recipe, particularly if you’re using a homemade pie crust. Learn step-by-step how to blind bake a pie crust, whether store-bought or homemade. If you’re using a frozen pie crust, you can often find instructions for blind baking on the package.

Can You Use Pumpkin Pie Spice?

Several reviewers call out using ready-made pumpkin pie spice — a combination of ground cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, and sometimes cloves and mace — and additional cinnamon in place of the spices called for: “I followed a suggestion that someone else had made and used 2 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice and 2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon instead,” says reviewer Devin. Some folks prefer the taste of the store-bought pumpkin pie spice to the individual spices, but ultimately it’s a matter of personal preference (and convenience!).

Does Pumpkin Pie Need to Be Refrigerated?

Yes, pumpkin pie needs to be stored in the refrigerator as it is an “egg rich pie,” according to the USDA. Do allow your pie ample time to cool before refrigerating it (this will also give the filling time to set), but don’t leave it out at room temperature for more than 2 hours, otherwise there’s a risk of bacteria growth. Pumpkin pie will last up to three to four days in the fridge. If you plan to make pumpkin pie in advance, we’d suggest making it one to two days in advance and refrigerating — this way you’ll still have a couple days for leftovers, too!

Can You Freeze Pumpkin Pie?

Custard-based pies freeze remarkably well, so you can absolutely make pumpkin pie ahead of time and freeze it for up to one month in advance (hello, stress-free holidays). If you go this route, we do suggest baking your pie in an aluminum pie pan.

To freeze pumpkin pie, bake your pie and allow it to cool completely. Then wrap it in several layers of plastic wrap, and follow with an additional layer of aluminum foil. Freeze for up to one month. When you’re ready to serve, remove the aluminum foil and allow the pie to defrost overnight in the refrigerator.

How to Make Whipped Cream for Pumpkin Pie

Cracked pie? Whipped cream to the rescue! Use homemade or store-bought whipped cream with a sprinkle of cinnamon to cover any imperfections on your pie. To make homemade whipped cream, follow this top-rated whipped cream recipe.

Allrecipes Community Tips and Praise

“Outstanding flavor and very easy to make. Two combinations I love,” says reviewer TaoWine.

“I used fresh pumpkin puree instead of canned pumpkin, which I would recommend because it is fresher and gives more texture,” suggests reviewer MadameD. “Also, if you are using a homemade pie crust, I recommend you bake it a tad before adding the filling.”


  • 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree
  • 1 (14 ounce) can EAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust


  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
  2. Whisk pumpkin puree, condensed milk, eggs, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and salt together in a medium bowl until smooth. Pour into crust.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.
  4. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and continue baking until a knife inserted 1 inch from the crust comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes.
  5. Let cool before serving.

Recipe by Eagle brand

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The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies Mon, 24 Oct 2022 14:01:49 +0000 Whenever you make these cookies for someone, be sure to bring along several copies of the recipe! You will be asked for it, I promise! NOTE: I make icing with confectioners’ sugar and milk. I make it fairly thin, as I ‘paint’ the icing on the cookies with a pastry brush. Thin enough to spread […]

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Whenever you make these cookies for someone, be sure to bring along several copies of the recipe! You will be asked for it, I promise! NOTE: I make icing with confectioners’ sugar and milk. I make it fairly thin, as I ‘paint’ the icing on the cookies with a pastry brush. Thin enough to spread easily but not so thin that it just makes your cookies wet and runs off.

Cookies are the perfect treat to make for any occasion. Celebrating a holiday? Bake cookies. Having a get-together? Bake cookies. Need snacks? Bake cookies. Holding a bake sale? Bake cookies. You get the picture. And of all the thousands of cookie recipes on Allrecipes, this is one of our best sugar cookie recipes, as rated and reviewed by our community of home cooks.

Using this recipe for The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies, you can roll out the sugar cookie dough, cut it into all sorts of shapes and sizes, and decorate the cookies to suit the occasion. So, let’s dive in and see how to make sugar cookies from scratch following this recipe, with lots of tips and tricks along the way to ensure cookie-baking success.

Sugar Cookie Ingredients

Use unsalted butter that’s just soft enough to be pliable, but not warm enough to be greasy. If you press your fingertip into the butter it should leave a slight indentation, but should not be soft and mushy.

Simply spoon white granulated sugar into your measuring cup and level it off with the flat edge of a knife, spatula, or bench scraper.

Use cool or room temperature large eggs.

Vanilla extract
For the best flavor, use real vanilla extract instead of imitation vanilla.

Use all-purpose flour. To measure flour, fluff it up with a spoon in the bag or container, then use the spoon to scoop it into the measuring cup and level it off. Don’t pack the flour into the measuring cup or the ingredient ratio will be off and your cookies may turn out too dry and crumbly.

Baking powder
Baking powder is a leavening agent and helps the cookie dough rise while baking.

Use regular table salt for this recipe.

Tips and Techniques

Cream the butter and sugar
The first thing you’ll do is beat together the butter and sugar with an electric mixer (hand-held or stand mixer) until the mixture is light and fluffy. Depending on the mixer you use, this could take four to five minutes. Why do you cream butter and sugar in the first place? It’s all about incorporating air into the mixture. The micro pockets of air you create by creaming cause the dough to rise as it bakes so your cookies will be light in texture instead of flat and dense. Cool (not cold) butter works best; butter that’s too warm won’t let you create the structure you need.

Add eggs and vanilla
After the butter and sugar are creamed, add the eggs and vanilla. Many home cooks like to add the eggs one at a time. You’ll want the eggs and vanilla to be thoroughly mixed into the butter and sugar before adding the dry ingredients.

Add flour, baking powder, and salt
Measure these dry ingredients into a separate bowl, whisk them together thoroughly, then turn your mixer to a lower speed and stir the flour mixture into the butter and sugar mixture. Be sure to scrape the sides of the mixing bowl a couple of times so there are no streaks of flour in the dough.

Cover and chill the dough
Cover the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour. This firms up the butter in the dough and helps prevent the cookies from spreading as they bake.

How to Make Sugar Cookie Cutouts

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes while you turn on the oven, prep your baking sheets, and gather your cookie cutters. By the time you’re ready to roll, the dough will be easier to handle. Dust your countertop and rolling pin with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. Roll the dough into an even thickness, about ¼ to ½ inch. Dip the sharp edge of your cookie cutter into flour and cut out shapes. Place them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, leaving an inch or more of space between the cutouts. This space allows the dough to spread slightly and the hot oven air to circulate around each cookie for even baking.

How to Bake Sugar Cookies

Good baking requires more than just popping something into the oven. For one thing, there’s the temperature. Every oven heats differently. That’s why we always recommend you use an oven thermometer to measure the real temperature before you start baking. And then there are the oven hot spots. To make sure your cookies (or any baked goods) bake evenly, its a good idea to rotate your pan halfway through the baking time.

These sugar cookies take only six to eight minutes to bake. You want them to be slightly browned around the edges but still light in color overall. Transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely; they’ll firm up as they cool.

Note: Lining your baking sheet with parchment paper allows you to slide the cookies, paper and all, onto the rack so you don’t have to touch the warm cookies and risk bending or breaking them if you tried to pry them off the sheet with a spatula. This is especially important if you’re baking sugar cookie cutouts with intricate shapes. After the cookies cool for about 10 minutes, you can slide them off the parchment paper itself and reuse the paper for another batch of cookies. Be sure your baking sheet is completely cooled before loading it up again. You don’t want to melt the cookies before they bake.

How to Decorate Sugar Cookies

The main thing to remember is to let the cookies cool completely before applying cookie icing or frosting so the heat from the cookies doesn’t melt it off.

How to Store Sugar Cookies

Sugar cookies can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for about three days before they start losing their freshness. If you’ve decorated your cookies with royal icing, which dries hard to the touch, you can stack the cookies. Cookies decorated with soft frosting should be stored in single layers, or with parchment paper or waxed paper between the layers if you have to stack them. You can freeze sugar cookies in airtight freezer bags for up to three months.

Allrecipes Community Tips and Praise

“These ARE the best! I didn’t change the recipe at all. I didn’t have any problems at all with the dough being sticky. It was the smoothest, most cooperative cookie dough I’ve ever worked with. I only chilled mine for 1 hour and worked with a quarter of the dough at a time. I keep the remaining dough in the refrigerator until I was ready to use it. The cookies turned out soft and moist…WONDERFUL,” says Allrecipes home cook CRYSTALJJP.

“THESE SUGAR COOKIES ARE GREAT,” says mom2PJnAM. “I highly recommend this recipe. I added 1 teaspoon of pure hazelnut extract (you can add any other flavor, such as lemon). I have a suggestion for those of you who have little counter space (since this recipe yields ALOT of dough). I would immediately roll out the dough in batches between sheets of waxed paper rather than chilling balls of dough overnight.”

“This recipe cut nicely and retained its shape as long as the dough was chilled. I floured and rolled it between wax paper so as not to reflour and over flour,” says home cook RUBINI.

Editorial contributions by Vanessa Greaves


  • 1 ½ cups butter, softened
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. Cream together butter and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir in flour, baking powder, and salt. Cover, and chill dough for at least 1 hour (or overnight).
  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
  3. Lightly dust a work surface with flour. Roll out dough to 1/4 to 1/2 inch thickness. Cut into shapes with any cookie cutter. Place cookies 1 inch apart on ungreased baking sheets.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven until cookies are lightly browned, 6 to 8 minutes. Carefully transfer cookies to a wire rack and cool completely before decorating.

By J Saunders

The post The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies appeared first on Tu Sabor y Mas.

Tembleque Puerto Rican Coconut Pudding Fri, 21 Oct 2022 12:29:13 +0000 Tembleque, which means “wiggly,” is a creamy coconut pudding. My husband is Puerto Rican and wanted me to make this! Ingredients 2 (14 ounce) cans coconut milk ¾ cup sugar ¼ teaspoon kosher salt ½ cup cornstarch 1 pinch ground cinnamon Directions Stir together coconut milk, sugar, and salt in a saucepan. Spoon 3 to 4 tablespoons coconut milk mixture into a small bowl and […]

The post Tembleque Puerto Rican Coconut Pudding appeared first on Tu Sabor y Mas.

Tembleque, which means “wiggly,” is a creamy coconut pudding. My husband is Puerto Rican and wanted me to make this!


  • 2 (14 ounce) cans coconut milk
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon


  1. Stir together coconut milk, sugar, and salt in a saucepan. Spoon 3 to 4 tablespoons coconut milk mixture into a small bowl and stir in cornstarch until dissolved; pour into the saucepan. Bring mixture to a boil while stirring constantly; cook until smooth and thick, about 5 minutes.
  2. Pour into molds, cover each with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until cold and firm, 3 hours to 2 days.
  3. Run a thin knife around the edges of each mold; invert onto serving plates. Garnish tops with cinnamon.

by Joanne Guzman

The post Tembleque Puerto Rican Coconut Pudding appeared first on Tu Sabor y Mas.

Chocolate Pecan Pie Thu, 20 Oct 2022 00:01:28 +0000 This chocolate pecan pie is made just like a traditional pecan pie, with the addition of chocolate chips. As the pie bakes, the chips melt… adding rich, chocolaty flavor in every bite. It’s always the first dessert to go at our family’s Thanksgiving! Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. This chocolate pecan pie […]

The post Chocolate Pecan Pie appeared first on Tu Sabor y Mas.

This chocolate pecan pie is made just like a traditional pecan pie, with the addition of chocolate chips. As the pie bakes, the chips melt… adding rich, chocolaty flavor in every bite. It’s always the first dessert to go at our family’s Thanksgiving! Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

This chocolate pecan pie is the perfect way to finish your holiday meal with a bang. Full of rich nutty flavor and chocolatey goodness, this decadent dessert will quickly become a tasty tradition.

Chocolate Pecan Pie Ingredients

Here’s what you’ll need to make this decadent chocolate pecan pie recipe:

· Corn syrup: Light corn syrup acts as a sweetener and prevents the filling from becoming grainy.
· Sugar: This recipe calls for just white sugar, but some reviewers say they like to use a blend of white and brown sugars for extra depth.
· Margarine: If you’d like, you can substitute butter.
· Eggs: Three whole eggs add richness and help bind the filling together.
· Salt: A little bit of salt enhances the other flavors.
· Chocolate chips: You’ll need about 1 ½ cups of semisweet chocolate chips.
· Pecans: Of course, you’ll need pecan halves. You can use chopped pecans if you’d rather.
· Pie crust: Use a store-bought pie crust or try our top-rated Butter Flaky Pie Crust recipe.

How to Make Chocolate Pecan Pie

You’ll find the full, step-by-step recipe below — but here’s a brief overview of what you can expect when you make this chocolate pecan pie:

Make the Filling

Beat corn syrup, sugar, melted margarine, eggs, and salt in a mixing bowl until well-combined. Stir in the pecans and chocolate chips.

Bake the Pie

Pour the filling into the unbaked crust. Bake in a preheated oven until the filling is set. Let the pie cool before serving.

How to Serve Chocolate Pecan Pie

You don’t technically need to serve this chocolate pecan pie with anything, as it’s perfectly delicious as it is (but a little vanilla ice cream or a dollop of homemade whipped cream certainly couldn’t hurt).

Can You Make This Pie Ahead of Time?

This chocolate pecan pie is an excellent make-ahead option! Let the pie cool completely, then loosely cover it in storage wrap and store in the fridge for up to four days. You can serve it cold or reheat it in the oven at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) for 15 minutes.

Can You Freeze Chocolate Pecan Pie?

Yes, this chocolate pecan pie freezes well. Simply wrap the entire pie (or individual slices) in one layer of storage wrap, then one layer of aluminum foil. Label with the date and freeze for up to three months. Thaw in the refrigerator.

Allrecipes Community Tips and Praise

“Delicious and FUDGY,” according to DeBonna. “I add 1 TBS. of bourbon to give it extra flavor. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream to cut the richness.”

“This was everything I hoped for and more,” raves Sandra MacCoul. “I was craving chocolate AND pecans and this was just the thing I needed! However, I did use butter instead of margarine and I used the 70% cocoa chocolate bars I had instead of semisweet chips.”

“Loved this,” says pam. “I don’t bake a lot so I like it to be easy and foolproof when I do. I did melt the chocolate chips with the butter and used a deep dish pie shell. Family loved it.”

The post Chocolate Pecan Pie appeared first on Tu Sabor y Mas.
